From the following information, prepare Balance Sheet of a trader as at 31st March, 2024 arranging the assets and liabilities–(i) in order of permanence and (ii) in order of liquidity:
` |
` |
Goodwill |
20,000 |
Bank |
20,000 |
Capital |
1,80,000 |
Sundry Creditors |
63,000 |
Liabilities for Expenses |
1,200 |
Bills Receivable |
13,000 |
in Hand |
1,000 |
Plant and Machinery |
40,000 |
Investment |
20,000 |
Provision for Doubtful Debts |
2,500 |
Payable |
10,700 |
Closing Stock |
80,000 |
Profit |
92,600 |
Furniture |
16,000 |
Debtors |
50,000 |
Drawing |
30,000 |
and Building |
60,000 |
Sheet in Order of Permanence
Balance Sheet as on March 31, 2024 |
Liabilities |
( `) |
Assets |
( `) |
Capital |
1,80,000 |
Goodwill |
20,000 |
Less: Drawings |
(30,000) |
Land and Building |
60,000 |
Add: Net Profit |
92,600 |
2,42,600 |
Plant and Machinery |
40,000 |
Sundry Creditors |
63,000 |
Furniture |
16,000 |
Bills Payable |
10,700 |
Investment |
20,000 |
Liabilities for Expenses |
1,200 |
Closing Stock |
80,000 |
Sundry Debtors |
50,000 |
Less: Provision for Doubtful Debts |
(2,500) |
47,500 |
Bill Receivable |
13,000 |
Bank |
20,000 |
Cash in Hand |
1,000 |
3,17,500 |
3,17,500 |
Sheet in Order of Liquidity
Balance Sheet as on March 31, 2024 |
Liabilities |
Amount ( `) |
Assets |
Amount ( `) |
Liabilities for
1,200 |
Cash in Hand |
1,000 |
Bills Payable |
10,700 |
Bank |
20,000 |
Sundry Creditors |
63,000 |
Bills Receivable |
13,000 |
Capital |
1,80,000 |
Sundry Debtors |
50,000 |
Less: Drawings |
(30,000) |
Less: Provision for Doubtful Debts |
(2,500) |
47,500 |
Add: Net Profit |
92,600 |
2,42,600 |
Closing Stock |
80,000 |
Investment |
20,000 |
Furniture |
16,000 |
Plant and Machinery |
40,000 |
Land and Building |
60,000 |
Good will |
20,000 |
3,17,500 |
3,17,500 |
Question 14:
From the Balance Sheet given below, calculate:
(i) Fixed Assets
(ii) Current
(iii) Current Liabilities (iv) Working Capital
BALANCE SHEET as at 31st
March, 2024 |
Liabilities |
` |
Assets |
` |
Creditors |
42,000 |
in Hand |
48,000 |
Expenses Accrued |
3,200 |
Debtors |
36,000 |
Overdraft |
4,800 |
Expenses |
400 |
Loan |
20,000 |
Goodwill |
20,000 |
on Loan |
1,000 |
Land |
20,000 |
Capital |
93,400 |
Plant |
32,000 |
Furniture |
8,000 |
1,64,400 |
1,64,400 |
(i)Fixed Assets=Land+Plant+Furniture+Goodwill
=20,000+32,000+8,000+20,000=Rs 80,000
(ii) Current Assets=Stock+Debtors+Prepaid Expenses
=48,000+36,000+400=Rs 84,400
(iii) Current Liabilities=Creditors+Expenses Accrued+Bank Overdraft+Interest on Loan
=42,000+3,200+4,800+1,000=Rs 51,000
(iv) Working Capital=Current Assets−Current Liabilities
=84,400−51,000=Rs 33,400
Question 15:
Prepare Trading and Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet of Jagat Shah as at 31st March, 2024 from the following
` |
` |
Capital (Cr.) |
3,60,000 |
Salaries |
60,000 |
Machinery |
70,000 |
General Expenses |
20,000 |
Sales |
8,20,000 |
Rent |
50,000 |
Purchases |
4,00,000 |
Purchases Return |
5,000 |
Sales Return |
10,000 |
Debtors |
3,00,000 |
Stock on 1st April, 2018 |
1,00,000 |
Cash |
40,000 |
Drawings |
40,000 |
Carriage Outwards |
20,000 |
Wages |
1,00,000 |
Advertising |
20,000 |
Inwards |
5,000 |
Creditors |
50,000 |
The Closing Stock was valued at `
Financial Statements of Jagat Shah |
Account for
the year ended March 31, 2024 |
Dr. |
Cr. |
Particulars |
Amount ( `) |
Particulars |
Amount ( `) |
Opening Stock |
1,00,000 |
Sales |
8,20,000 |
Purchases |
4,00,000 |
Less: Sales Return |
(10,000) |
8,10,000 |
Less: Purchases Return |
(5,000) |
3,95,000 |
Closing Stock |
2,00,000 |
Wages |
1,00,000 |
Carriage Inwards |
5,000 |
Gross Profit (Balancing
Figure) |
4,10,000 |
10,10,000 |
10,10,000 |
Profit and Loss Account for the year ended March
31, 2024 |
Dr. |
Cr. |
Particulars |
Amount ( `) |
Particulars |
Amount ( `) |
Salaries |
60,000 |
Gross Profit |
4,10,000 |
General Expenses |
20,000 |
Rent |
50,000 |
Carriage Outwards |
20,000 |
Advertising |
20,000 |
Net Profit (Balancing Figure) |
2,40,000 |
4,10,000 |
4,10,000 |
Balance Sheet as on March 31, 2024 |
Liabilities |
Amount ( `) |
Assets |
Amount ( `) |
Capital |
3,60,000 |
Fixed Assets |
Less: Drawings |
(40,000) |
Machinery |
70,000 |
Add: Net Profit |
2,40,000 |
5,60,000 |
Current Assets |
Current Liabilities |
Closing Stock |
2,00,000 |
Creditors |
50,000 |
Debtors |
3,00,000 |
Cash |
40,000 |
6,10,000 |
6,10,000 |
Question 16:
The following are the balances as on 31st March, 2024 extracted from the
books of Dass:
` |
` |
Sales |
9,20,000 |
and Courier |
6,200 |
Purchases |
6,83,000 |
Miscellaneous Expenses |
9,000 |
Returns Inward |
13,000 |
Bad Debts |
4,000 |
Outward |
22,000 |
Debtors |
2,20,000 |
Stock on 1st April, 2018 |
1,76,000 |
Creditors |
1,28,000 |
Carriage Inwards |
24,000 |
Loan from Sahil |
50,000 |
Rent |
22,000 |
Capital |
5,25,000 |
Discount |
37,500 |
Drawings |
19,100 |
Printing |
7,200 |
Business Premises |
3,90,000 |
Insurance |
5,000 |
Office Furniture |
15,000 |
Expenses |
14,000 |
The stock on 31st March, 2024 was valued at ` 2,40,000.
You are required to prepare Trading Account, Profit and Loss Account and
Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 2024.
Financial Statement of Bhagwan Das |
Account for
the year ended March 31, 2024 |
Dr. |
Cr. |
Particulars |
( `) |
Particulars |
( `) |
Stock |
1,76,000 |
Purchases |
6,83,000 |
Sales |
9,20,000 |
Less: Return Outwards |
(22,000) |
6,61,000 |
Less: Return Inwards |
(13,000) |
9,07,000 |
Carriage Inwards |
24,000 |
Closing Stock |
2,40,000 |
Gross Profit (Balancing
Figure) |
2,86,000 |
11,47,000 |
11,47,000 |
Profit and Loss
Account for the year ended March
31, 2024 |
Dr. |
Cr. |
Particulars |
( `) |
Particulars |
( `) |
Rent, Rates and Taxes |
22,000 |
Gross Profit |
2,86,000 |
Discount |
37,500 |
Printing |
7,200 |
Insurance |
5,000 |
Travelling Expenses |
14,000 |
Postage and Courier |
6,200 |
Miscellaneous Expenses |
9,000 |
Bad Debts |
4,000 |
Net Profit (Balancing Figure) |
1,81,100 |
2,86,000 |
2,86,000 |
Balance Sheet as onMarch
31, 2024 |
Liabilities |
( `) |
Assets |
( `) |
Capital |
5,25,000 |
Fixed Assets |
Less: Drawings |
(19,100) |
Business Premises |
3,90,000 |
Add: Net Profit |
1,81,100 |
6,87,000 |
Office Furniture |
15,000 |
Loan from Sahil |
50,000 |
Current Assets |
Current Liabilities |
Closing Stock |
2,40,000 |
Creditors |
1,28,000 |
Debtors |
2,20,000 |
8,65,000 |
8,65,000 |
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Ts Grewal Solution 2024-2025
Class 11th
Chapter 18 – Financial Statements of a Sole Proprietorship