12th |  Financial Statement of a Company | Question No.  11 To 15 | Ts Grewal Solution 2022-2023

Question 11:

Classify the following items under major head and sub-head (if any) in the Balance Sheet of a company as per Schedule III of the Companies Act, 2013: (i) Capital Work-in-Progress: (ii) Provision for Warranties; (iii) Income received in Advance; and (iv) Capital Advances





Major Head


Capital Work-in-Progress

Non-Current Assets

Fixed Assets- Capital Work-in-Progress

Provision for Warranties

Non-Current Liabilities

Long Term Provisions

Income Received in Advance

Current Liabilities

Other Current Liabilities

Capital Advances

Non-Current Assets

Long Term Loans & Advances


Question 12. Under which major heads and sub-heads will the following items be placed in the Balance Sheet of the company as per Schedule 11, Part I of the Companies Act, 2013?

(i) Debentures with maturity period in current financial year

(ii) Securities Premium Reserve

(ii) Provident Fund

(CBSE Sample Paper 2022)


S. No.


Major Head



Debentures with maturity period in

current financial year

Current Liabilities


Other Current Liabilities


Securities Premium Reserve

Shareholders' Funds

Reserves and Surplus


Provident Fund

Non-current Liabilities

Long-term Provisions



Question 13:

Under which major head and sub-head of the Assets part of the Balance Sheet will the following be shown:

(i) Intangible Assets; (ii) Intangible Assets under Development; (iii) Investments (more than 12 months); (iv) Deferred Tax Assets (Net); (v) Stores and Spares; and (vi) Loose Tools?





Main head


 Intangible Assets

 Non-Current Assets

 Fixed Assets

 Intangible Assets under development

 Non-Current Assets

 Fixed Assets

 Investments (more than 12 months)

 Non-Current Assets

 Non-Current Investments

 Deferred Tax Assets (Net)

 Non-Current Assets

 Deferred Tax Assets (Net)

 Stores and Spares

 Current Assets


 Loose Tools

 Current Assets




Question 14:

Under which heads the following items on the Assets part of the Balance Sheet of a company will be presented?

(i) Sundry Debtors;

(ii) Patents and Trademarks; 

(iii) Shares in Quoted Companies:

(iv) Advances recoverable in cash; 

(v) Prepaid Insurance; and 

(vi) Work-in-Progress (Machinery)?





Main head


 Sundry Debtors

 Current Assets

 Trade Receivables

 Patents and Trade Marks

 Non-Current Assets

 Fixed Assets (Intangible Assets)

 Shares in Quoted Companies

 Non-Current Assets

 Non-Current Investments

 Advance Recoverable in Cash

 Current Assets

 Short-term Loans and Advances

 Prepaid Insurance

 Current Assets

 Other Current Assets

 Work-in-Progress (Machinery)

 Non-Current Assets

 Fixed Assets (Capital Work-in-progress)


Question 15:

Under which of the major heads will the following items be shown while preparing Balance Sheet of a company, as per Schedule III of the Companies Act, 2013:

(i) Unamortised Loss on Issue of Debentures (To be written off after 12 months from the date of Balance Sheet);

(ii) 10% Debentures;

(iii) Stock-in-Trade;

(iv) Cash at Bank;

(v) Bills Receivable;

(vi) Goodwill;

(vii) Loose Tools;

(viii) Truck;

(ix) Provision for Tax; and

(x) Sundry Creditors?







 Unamortised Loss on Issue of
 Debentures (To be written off
 after 12 months from date of
 Balance sheet)

 Non-Current Assets

 Other Non-Current Assets

 10% Debentures

 Non-Current Liabilities

 Long-term Borrowings


 Current Assets


 Cash at Bank

 Current Assets

 Cash and Cash equivalents

 Bills Receivable

 Current Assets

 Trade Receivables


 Non-Current Assets

 Fixed Assets (Intangible Assets)

 Loose Tools

 Current Assets



 Non-Current Assets

 Fixed Assets (Tangible Assets)

 Provision for Tax

 Current Liabilities

 Short term Provisions

 Sundry Creditors

 Current Liabilities

 Trade Payables


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Class 12 / Volume – 3

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